Saturday Activities

Good evening, friends! Another great day is coming to an end. My parents and I got a good amount done today but there is still much to do.

Last night I ate my snack of greek yogurt and blueberry blaze trail mix. Yes, more trail mix. I also watched the season premiere of Scandal that I recorded Thursday. Scandal is a great show and if you haven’t seen it I highly recommend watching the first two seasons on Netflix 🙂 Image

This morning I woke up and put together a quick breakfast for my mom and I. I went with bagels, cinnamon cream cheese, banana, blueberries, and a glass of orange juice for me. Amazing as always.Image

We all got ready and left to do our errands! Our first stop was the post office so I could mail my grandma the goat milk soap I bought for her. I have been meaning to do that for a week now so I’m glad I finally sent it. My mom then needed her coffee since she ran out so my dad stopped at Starbucks. Costco was next on the agenda. We mostly just looked around at everything (why is it so entertaining to look at everything they have?) but we did get a few things like new knives, socks for my dad, and coffee for my mom. The next stop was The Reuse Warehouse. My dad and I went there last Friday and we just had to go back so my mom could check it out. We found lots of good stuff! My mom and I got some old window shutters to use for different decorations/projects, my dad got some reclaimed wood ordered for our front porch and he also is going to have them make a custom table out of some of their materials for the back deck, and I got a nice piece of wood to use for a hanging shelf I plan on putting in my bathroom. There is so much neat stuff that can be found here! And since most of it is old and used it is relatively cheap!ImageImageImage

I ate some pepper jack cheese that I packed with my for my snack before we stopped at Walmart for a few more things. Then we were back home for lunch. I heated up Trader Joe’s mini pizzas for my mom and while those were cooking up in the oven I chopped up carrots and lettuce for a little side salad. I washed it all down with a glass of milk.Image

After lunch I went outside to start planning my bathroom projects. I found a pretty piece of leftover firewood in our garage and I sanded that down for a while. I am going to use for a creation I am making involving mason jars. After spending some time brainstorming on that and the hanging shelf I came to the conclusion that I could do everything I could at the moment. A trip to Lowe’s is necessary to get any more completed. With that road block I decided to go ahead and go to the barn. Vinnie was great again today! I took a picture of Robert, the mini donkey, for my barn picture of the day 🙂ImageHe could smell the treats on me!

Back at home I did a little relaxing before making my snack. I was a little chilly in our air conditioning so I went with a warm bowl of pumpkin oatmeal topped with a little granola for crunch.Image Then I went right back to lounging because I am feeling like relaxing is the perfect way to spend this Saturday evening.

Goal update: My goal for today was to eat all of my snacks and meals at better times. I would say that I was half way successful so far. I did a lot better than yesterday with my timing, but my morning snack was not as substantial as yesterdays. But then again my breakfast was a little bigger this morning. My new way of bubbling my food intake has been working well so far! If I fall short on something I can easily tell what meal/snack I was having difficulty with. I might add to it by making things color coded for even easier analyzing! I also hydrated more today than I have in a while. Yay!

Hopefully all you readers have some exciting plans for this beautiful Saturday night! Enjoy the rest of the weekend, everyone 🙂