First Day on the New Plan!

Ahoy, Matey! I am so excited that the Pirates won the wild card game last night! It was such a good game for the Bucs. I ate my chicken pot pie while I watched. My parents didn’t make it home till like the 5th inning or something, so I had fun watching and eating by myself. I was texting my aunt about the game, so it was almost as if I was watching with someone haha. I guess my cats could count as company, right? They joined me on the couch and when my parents made it we just made the game a family event, including the kitties! ImageImageImageAt the very end of the game I fixed myself a super easy dessert: chocolate pudding and strawberries. I love dipping the strawberries in the pudding! Image

This morning I was up early to get my meals and snacks prepped. I divided up all my bubbles into thirds and planned accordingly. For breakfast I had a bagel with cinnamon cream cheese, a banana and a cup of milk. To finish off my first third of the day I packed a double portion of trail mix. I tried a new flavor. It was so good. I will never be able to choose a favorite!ImageFor my second third, or lunch and afternoon snack, I had Trader Joe’s cheese tortellini and veggies in red pesto and then strawberries, blueberries and grapes with two servings of pretzels. ImageYesterday Mary and I discussed doubling portions to help me fill my bubbles so I don’t have to stress over thinking about what else I need to add. I would say that this solution proved to be successful today! I was a little off with finishing my meals and snacks at my goal time, but I did a little bit better. Mary told me that she commonly sees those with an eating disorder will busy themselves so that they have an excuse to put off eating. I am guilty of doing this. So to beat this thing I need to make sure that I am making time for myself to eat when I need to. The trail mix was a very easy thing to snack on while I was living the desk life. ImageI finished reconciling all of the checks and while I waited for my next task I might of watched Netflix, surfed the internet, and done research on courses at NC State… hehehe. I then was assigned to go through the bank charges and make sure that they were actually charges and if they weren’t I moved them to their respective places. I get to go through all the checks that are in “miscellaneous” tomorrow.

My dad and I stopped at Twins, a small market, on the way home to pick up chicken and lettuce for dinner. When we got home I got changed and went out to the barn. Renee was getting Mare ready to ride and I spent a couple minutes talking to her before she went up to arena. Then I got Vinnie and gave him a good brushing. He went into his halter form whenever he saw his carrot 🙂 Image William and Marty were out riding their four wheelers and it looked like they were having a blast! Of course it also looked like Renee was having a lot of fun riding The Mare. She looks like a great horse to ride. She has come such a long way! When Renee first got her, her canter was out of control. Now she is loping and jogging almost perfectly and she just looks beautiful! It is so incredible what Renee has done with her. She said she learned a lot from The Mare and that she wants to see if she can help me to get Vinnie better under saddle whenever I can start riding him 🙂

I gladly jumped in the shower when I was back home and then it was dinner time. We just had simple chicken french fry salads. That is a ridiculously easy salad to make that has a good combo of different textures and flavors. ImageNow I am going to go watch Wednesday night TV with my parents until I think of a good way to try and fill up my remaining bubbles! AAAANNNDDDD I’m super pumped because tomorrow is Thursday!

Questions for you:

What ingredients make up your favorite trail mix?

What’s your favorite day of the week?