Back To Life

Back to life, back to reality. Vacation has come to an end! Today I went back to work with my dad, although I feel like I didn’t really get much done haha.

So last night after I finished blogging I whipped up a chocolate banana shake using a Boost Plus. I really wanted to push for filling up the bubbles I missed.Image Then I was off to dream land. Except I don’t think I ever hit my REM cycle. I kept waking up all throughout the night. I managed to still have to hurry to get ready for the day though. I got dressed and then started to prepare my lunch and snacks for work. Once I got it all packed I made my breakfast. I had an egg and spinach waffle-wich, yogurt and orange juice.Image I needed a little more time to prepare everything because I still missed a few bubbles. Everything was very good though. At work my job was to just fill out a few census reports. WOOO… so much fun… hahaha. For snack I had Kashi island vanilla squares.Image My lunch was carrots, berries, turkey/spinach/guac sandwich, and a pupcake (pumpkin cupcake).Image Since I didn’t really have much to work on I ended up surfing the internet. I did some research on how to go about taking online classes. I found out some useful info, now I just need to figure out when I will be ready to go back to taking classes. Pinterest may or may not have been a time killer as well… My afternoon snack was a key lime greek yogurt and blueberry blaze trail mix.Image Before I knew it the workday was over. On the way home my dad and I talked about my bubbles for the day. I feel like that was the first time we really discussed my meal plan in depth. It was surprisingly comforting to have that conversation. I felt an extra wave of motivation. When I got home I grabbed an apple to take out to Vinnie. He has been deprived for a week and was more than ready to inhale his treat.Image Look, his mane is almost ready to flop over!Image I love it when animals are being extra adorable, but it is so sad when you are too slow to capture the full cuteness on camera! This will just have to do.Image After I was finished at the barn I came home and unloaded/reloaded the dishwasher before I got to work on my necklaces for two amazing youngsters 🙂 I hope that they don’t see this picture… I don’t want the surprise to be ruined! I also wrote them each a note.Image For dinner we had penne with tomato sauce, peepers, onions, hot italian sausage and garlic bread.Image It was good, but I don’t think that dish is one of my favorites. I think I have had enough sausage over the past two weeks to last all of November haha. I hope everyone had a good Wednesday and is ready to be one day closer to the weekend!