Change Is Coming

Sometimes we just need a little change in our life. Changes can occasionally be scary yet they can teach us so much about ourselves or our environment, and that is never a bad thing. If you look at any change in your life that you would label as “negative” I can almost guarantee you that there is a silver lining. I’ve been through big changes recently and there are still more to come! I am trying to change my current mental habits that I have developed over the past year involving my health. I made a drastic change in my lifestyle and I ended up putting my health into a downward spiral. That change has taught me many things about myself and my family and in a way it has brought us all closer. It also gave me time to focus on my life and what really makes me happy. In the summer I made another drastic change to better my health. I suppose it wasn’t drastic because it was a slow process and in fact the process is still in progress. Was that enough words beginning with “pro”?Image{image source} Let’s talk about what else has changed. I am making changes in the house, which brightens my mood because I can look at all the things I have done to improve it and think to myself I did that. So that was pretty much an all around good change. The weather is shifting as well. The change of seasons will bring all new everything. New colors to nature, new temperatures, new comfy/snuggly/warm clothes. I am using the word new very loosely. I guess what I mean to say is that Fall will transform most things in our daily lives. YAY! I have a fondness for Fall 🙂 In my eyes, change is bueno. I know a common argument is whether or not someone can change. Some believe that people stay the same. I want to get you involved so if you have any thoughts on this I would love to hear what you all have to say! Or if you have a comment about change in general 🙂

Time For My Usual Subject Matter

Dinner last night was steak and veggies and I ate mine over some leftover noodles (from the lasagna soup).Image After dinner we watched on of the worst movies ever. This Is The End with Seth Rogan and James Franco. I am being a little harsh, it wasn’t the worst movie ever, but it was pretty bad. It had some funny moments but it was just so incredible stupid haha. When it was over my dad and I both couldn’t believe that we watched the whole thing. My mom had the right idea and went to bed about half way through. My snack last night was brown sugar cinnamon popcorn and a vanilla pudding.Image It had been a while since I had that popcorn and I saw it at Harris Teeter yesterday and went for it. I hit the hay and tried to get a good night of sleep. I kept waking up and finally it was time to just get up and get my day started. I jumped in the shower then got dressed for work. I put together my snack and lunch and then ate my breakfast before leaving with my dad to go to work. Breakfast was a bagel with cinnamon cream cheese, banana, and milk. That is a really easy breakfast to prepare and it knocks out a good chunk of my morning bubbles. My snack for the morning was trail mix! For lunch I had greek yogurt and a southwest veggie Boomerang.Image I think I did a great job with those three! I ate up almost all my morning bubbles and I finished those three all around my goal times! I was beginning to question myself about the food I ate because I was feeling like it ate too much. That feeling I get when I start to regret my food is not a good one. It can change my entire mood if I let it. I had to knock out those thoughts and I told myself that it was all good food and I needed it to help me reach my goals.

At work I assembled tax returns and and made copies. I got all the returns that my dad gave me done so I felt like it was a good work day. We left before 2:30 so we could make it home to watch the Pirates game. The Buccos couldn’t tie it up at the end and as a result they will be going back to St. Louis for game 5. But I believe in them! So that was kind of a bummer. I did lots of searching for DIY ideas on Pinterest before having my snack, which was much later than the goal time Mary gave me. That will just have to be the next thing I work on changing! Snack was berries and Pretzels.Image

My mom is going to get home around 8 so my dad and I are going to fix dinner and hopefully have it ready when she gets home. The recipe I got off of a soup can, so we will see how it goes!

Today was a rainy day here and snuggling up on the couch with a blanket and a good book (and my cat) would have been the perfect way to spend some time. My dad must of had a similar thought because he is starting to snore on the couch… hahaha.

OH MY GOSH, I just looked out the window and the clouds were clearing around the setting sun and the sky was DAZZLING. Amazing shades of orange and purple. I freaked out and ran as fast as I could to get my camera. I need to figure out a better way to take pictures of natural lighting because I feel like the brightness from the shade ruins the rest of the picture. So I’m not sure if this picture does nature’s beauty justice, but oh well, here it is! Image

Enjoy your Monday night!

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