
I can’t believe it is Saturday evening already. Where did my lazy time go? Oh, that’s right, I spent all my “lazy time” being awesome. I got so much accomplished today! With the help of my mom of course. But first I must write all about our outing last night.

Our night was spent in Downtown Durham. I had no idea downtown was such a popular place to be on a Friday night. I mean I guess that is normal for downtowns, but in Durham? Durham must really be cleaning itself up. I fall more in love with it every time I go. It was my night to pick a new place for dinner. I decided we should try Old Havana.Image(Bad picture, sorry) Amber kindly suggested it to me on a list of places that might be good to try. We all thought our sandwiches were delicious, but we agreed it wasn’t the best dinner spot for us. I ordered the Santiago which was slow roasted pork, their mustard sauce and their mojo sauce. It wasn’t spicy like I was expecting.Image We were expecting it to be more of a restaurant where we are waited on, but this was order at the counter. It was a cute place and tasty, but it doesn’t seem to have a big dinner crowd. Image

Since it was only a little after 8 we decided to go check out another restaurant to see if we would want to try it next week. We went to Dos Perros which was just a short walk. It is like real mexican food. No burritos or tacos here! It was like an upscale place where you would probably have to make a reservation if you wanted to go on a Friday Night after 7. We sat at the bar and since we didn’t have anything with our sandwiches at Old Havana, we decided to try an appetizer. It was very good and crispy! Chicken, potato taquitos with crema and queso fresca and a chipotle tomato salsa. I just ate one because I was feeling satisfied with my sandwich. I was also a little scared to eat more than that. But I am happy that I ate one because I was living in the moment and it was a very spontaneous decision to go check out this place 🙂ImageImage My dad even did something I never thought he would ever, ever do. He ordered a margarita. It has been YEARS AND YEARS since he has had one of those. Lets just say a really long time ago my parents had a few too many margaritas and they haven’t been able to drink one since. (My mom did break the streak with the Blood Orange Margarita she ordered in Baltimore earlier this summer).Image I think he wanted to try it because we were at a real deal mexican place. Next we walked into Bull City Burgers so my dad could see what it was all about. It was a really popular place! We didn’t get anything there though. We started our drive home and we passed Geer Street Garden and my mom said she wanted to try that place sometime and my dad instructed me to stop just so we could check it out since we were already there. We sat at the bar and my parents had their Bud Lights while we all looked over their menu. It looks like the have some really good stuff and we will definitely be going back! It had a ridiculously awesome atmosphere too. All the bartenders and wait staff were wearing flannel. I loved that! That was our last stop of the night and when we arrived home I hit the couch. I relaxed for a while before having a simple bowl of cereal for my night snack. I wasn’t feeling like having a heavy snack and that seemed like an easy fix.

Today I was awake much earlier than I would have liked. I did my usual routine of laying in bed for a while before my mom was up and moving around. We fixed our breakfasts and then tackled the day! I had an english muffin with sunflower butter, an egg, a banana with cinnamon, and a glass of milk. Image After breakfast I helped my mom get a start on doing some cleaning. We did dishes, cleaned up the kitchen and the living room, collected all the garbage, etc. I then got a game plan set for my sister’s old room and all of her belongings. I took a break to go give Vinnie some loving. He looked great today! I was nervous he was going to be sore from his shoes since the vet said his feet became sensitive, but he was perfect! He was a little muddy from the rain, but after some grooming he was back to his normal level of cleanliness haha. I chatted with Renee a little bit while she was down at the barn. Then it was apple time! Vinnie literally foams at the mouth when he eats these apples. I wonder if it is just the type of apple (honeycrisp) or if he foams up with all apples. I think he foamed up with the macintosh apples, but I don’t remember him doing that before. I will have to do some experimenting haha. ImageThis picture doesn’t even show the worst of it. There was a lot more froth than that!

It was time for a snack when I got home and I went with trying one of my Boost Blueberry Muffins. It was yummy. I think the vanilla flavor from the Boost gave it some deeper flavor. Image I have decided that english muffins are not the best thing to help me fill my morning grain/starch/carb bubbles. I find that I am always falling a little short and I feel like I have to make my morning snack mostly, if not entirely, carb based. I think I will stick with bagels or oatmeal and granola. So after I was done with my snack my mom and I went back to my sister’s room and boxed up everything of hers. Literally everything. We weren’t sure what all she wanted or didn’t want, so we decided to just pack it all up and then she can go through it all on her own to decide what to keep. My mom and I just had no desire to go through it all since it wasn’t ours haha. Can you blame us? We took a lunch break before we put everything in the Jeep so that it wasn’t sitting in our living room. Coach B from my mom’s school is going to Chattanooga this upcoming weekend I believe, and she was kind enough to offer taking some of my sister’s things to her. She has no idea how much stuff there is! My mom and I split a frozen thin crust pizza for our lunch. Image We then took all of the garbage to the dump and when we got home we decided to give Nicole a bath. She has dermatitis or something so we thought a nice scrubbing with Palmolive would help with her skin. She was just purring up a storm! That little weirdo. Image

We decided it was time to relax after that. My mom tipped over and took a little snooze and my dad watched TV and did work while I finally did some reading! For my snack I decided to go with apple cinnamon oatmeal topped with blueberries, raspberries, and a crumbles up caramel rice cake. I don’t know if I will be doing the rice cake thing over oatmeal again… it turned kind of soggy. Image It served its purpose of adding some extra carbs haha. Now I am going to go have a relaxing Saturday evening! Dinner is a new recipe I am trying and I hope it turns out! I won’t be surprised if my dad doesn’t like it though. It is an oriental dish and he isn’t the biggest fan of that but he said he would try it! We will see… Wish me luck!