Oh Happy Day!

Today got off to an amazing start! I am just so happy right now ๐Ÿ™‚ But I am going to jump back to last night before I dive into today’s events.

So my dad made pizza for dinner last night. I was really nervous about it. I am not sure why pizza is such a struggle for me. Just something I need to work on. It was good, but not the best. I think the sauce we used was very sweet and it just didn’t taste right. I only ate one piece. One piece probably wasn’t enough to help me reach my goals, but I was proud of myself for having the pizza.Image Then for snack I had a blueberry muffin and popcorn. That went down a lot easier than the pizza haha.ย Image


Ok, so I woke up too early again. I just relaxed in bed for a while before starting my day. Before my mom left for work she came back to my room and chatted with me for a few minutes. She wondered if it would be ok for me to start lunging Vinnie. I immediately was overflowing with joy. I told her I think it would be absolutely fine because Vinnie is finally sound and I have more energy. Plus lunging just requires me to slowly spin in a circle. I do more heavy work vacuuming the house! So I jumped out of bed and went to make myself breakfast. I whipped up a smoothie type thing using one frozen banana, some blueberries, cinnamon, and one cup of milk. I then poured it over granola and sprinkled a little more cinnamon on top. The smoothie was so foamy! It was fun to eat all the foam before reaching theย oh so delicious maple granola.ย ImageImageAfter that I couldn’t get out to the barn fast enough! I was bummed to find the apple I left out there in this sad condition. Something must have decided it was hungry. Although I can’t imagine it being one of the barn cats…Image Vinnie was such a good boy! I think the last time he was worked was back in May! He was his typical self lunging: he would throw his head around and get his bucks out at the beginning before getting settled into his movements. He was a good listener though! I attempted to take a few action shots. It is hard to take good action photos on a phone though haha, especially while lunging a horse.ย ImageImage

Once I got home I did dishes then fixed my snack. It was another day of trail mix ๐Ÿ™‚ย Image

I watched the episode of New Girl I recorded on Tuesday while I ate my snack. That show is so good! Then I went outside to clean out Old Blue. I vacuumed the inside and then wiped it down. I also cleaned the windows and got rid of a few things that were cluttering it. I put a basket in the trunk to get a few of Vinnie’s things in it as well. I made sure my cleaning was thorough. Once I got done with that it was about one o’clock and that meant lunch time. I fixed myself a turkey mozzarella bagelwich with a side of baby carrots and strawberries. So good!Image It was my last bagel, so now I can finally try a new breakfast recipe I found (using vanilla Boost for an extra punch).

While I ate my lunch I watched last night’s new episode of Scandal that I recorded. Craziness. I did a few more things around the house before taking a quick trip to Goodwill to donate some items. When I got home I got a letter in the mail from my grandma, AKA Baba. It was such a lovely surprise! Thanks, Baba!

It’s Friday, so you know what that means… It is the night where we go try a new place for dinner! It is my mom’s pick tonight and we are hoping it is better than my dad and I’s picks from the previous two Fridays. I am actually really excited! I am feeling so motivated right now, all thanks to Vinnie and my amazing morning with him ๐Ÿ™‚ I am going to order something that sounds mouthwatering and I am not going to be afraid of eating it! But right now it is time for snack, so off I go! I hope everyone has been having a great Friday so far!