Jones’n for some Crums

Happy Thursday! It was a splendid day for this group. Well, at least is was for me and I hope it was for everyone else too haha!

I was up early this morning but didn’t want to wake the others so I decided to do the crossword puzzle and watch last week’s episode of the Vampire Diaries before I started quietly fixing my breakfast. Madelyne joined me in the kitchen shortly after I started making my oatmeal. I also made a chai latte and a spinach scramble.Image Yummy and filling! I made sure to record all of the details about my hunger and fullness levels so I could report back to Mary. After breakfast we all got our books and started reading. I began The Body Book by Cameron Diaz and let me just say, I love it already!Image Her perspective on health and eating is so inspiring. If you struggle with any type of eating disorder or disordered eating, I think this book could majorly influence your thoughts on life and food for the better. Next on our agenda was to go to the Y so we could do the PiYo class. Well, Madelyne and I did that. Matt did his own thing haha. I had fun at the class and I even worked up a nice sweat. The class was crowded! Once our workouts were done we were off to the showers and I got shampoo in my eye. It was awful and I was convinced I was going to go blind. I didn’t though.

For lunch we went to Whole Foods. I piled up fresh fruits and made a quinoa salad including steamed carrots and broccoli, grilled peppers, italian dressing and a hard boiled egg. I also had yogurt and a WhatsoNutso bar. Image

The rest of our afternoon was filled with grocery shopping and getting our nails done! Image

When we arrived back home I unloaded groceries and then got to work on dishes so my mom wouldn’t have to do them when she got home. For my snack I made a simple cheese quesadilla before I did more reading and conversing.Image It was really funny, we were all talking about Maddie and Matt moving to Wilmington or something and how Matt will have to find a job. He was saying how hard it is because there are very few jobs posted for his major. I then got a random idea that I blurted out. I told him he we could go into business together: He could handle the communications side (dealing with the website, advertising, etc.) and I could do the cooking and meal planning for all our clients. My mom then said that we would have to come up with a good name for the business. She said she thought of something with Crum in it but couldn’t remember is. Then I used both of our last names to come up with a funny name that I think is rather catchy! Jones’n for some Crums. I don’t know if it would really draw up a lot of business but I like it haha. I think it would be a fun business plan, but obviously it would be a last resort because we were talking about it in a joking manner. Plus Matt would probably want to try and find a job that had a description that matched closer to what he is studying haha. Well, we are about to have dinner. My mom has been reheating a variety of leftovers. Yay for fridge clean outs! Hope you had a fantastic day 🙂