Happy Friday!

Man, my hand is on fire from the rope burn! Now my other hand is burning for no reason. I don’t know what’s happening to me!!! AHHHH.

Ok, enough about my hands. Last night I assembled our dinner. Loaded nachos. They were fantastic.Image We watched The Big Bang Theory and then my dad and I watched We’re the Millers. It was hilarious! My dad and I laughed so hard. Before heading off to bed I fixed a bowl of Kashi Vanilla squares that I sprinkled with cinnamon. Image

I slept alright, but I was more than ready to get up and get my day started. I laid in bed until about 8 before I got up. I started prepping for mu breakfast. I made myself a fancy breakfast! My take on juevos rancheros. I heated up leftovers from last night (black beans and diced peppers, onions, and jalapenos) and sprinkled it with lots of cheese before I topped it with an egg. I also had grapes and pomegranate arils, jalapeno bread that I broke out of the freezer that we got from the Amish Market, and a chai latte.Image I can’t even describe to you how delicious this was. Forget all my other ideas, I want to open a little cafe.

Once I finished breakfast I got ready for my morning at the barn. The farrier came today and Vinnie was the first to get done as always. Before the farrier got there, I spent time chatting with Renee while brushing Vinnie. I feel like I haven’t talked to her in ages so it was so nice to talk to her.Image After Vinnie was done with his hooves,I ate my snack and I got him tacked up to lunge.Image Today I tried several different things and he was a million times better! Instead of lunging with his halter over his bridle, I used the technique Lena taught me. I also tried to make sure the saddle wasn’t sitting too far forward.Image I also made sure I wore my gloves. He only turned away from me once, and I take complete blame for that. There were still a few moments when he was starting to make his move, but I was able to correct him before it was too late. I love lunging with the lunge line looped through his bit, over his pole, and clipped on to the other side of the bit! I also attached the reins in a different spot so that they weren’t restrictive. Image

After I was done lunging I had Renee help me to make sure my saddle was a good fit for Vinnie. I am so glad I did because it turns out my new saddle doesn’t fit him well at all. I feel bad for lunging him with a saddle that didn’t fit. I mean, the gullet/tree was the right side, but the saddle laid funky on him. We just decided it would be better to have a saddle that would be more comfortable because I don’t want there to be a reason for Vinnie to misbehave. We tried on several saddles that were at the barn along with the one my aunt gave me. The saddle I borrowed from Barb was the best fitting one. I was so glad Renee helped me to determine what saddles are the best out there for my needs! She is the nicest and I am lucky to board at her little barn 🙂

When I got home I fixed my lunch. it was very similar to yesterday’s with the turkey sandwich, apple, and carrots, but I had Greek yogurt and mini cheese cracker sandwiches instead of milk and pretzels.Image Very tasty! I then relaxed a little before my dad and I went to Lowe’s to get the things to finish my closet! I hope to get this project done soon haha. When I got home my mom had her Stitch Fix waiting for her! Love everything that came! I munched on my snack while we oohed and aahed over the fixes.ImageImageImage Now I am all fresh and ready to go on our Friday night outing! It is my dad’s choice tonight for our new restaurant experience and I am a little nervous, but I know I will be achieving my daily goal of pushing myself to a level 8! I also still need to push myself to do my social “homework”…

Wish me luck for tonight and tune in tomorrow for the recap!